Difficult Airway Algorithm 2023

American Society of Anesthesiologists
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What's in this course?

Failed airway management is a major contributor to patient morbidity and mortality. Inadequate planning and judgment contribute to patient harm.


Patient Safety

Target Audience

All members of the anaesthesia care team. 

Varied activities

Lectures, infographics, assessments. 


1 hour


Intermediate / Advanced

Discuss with others

Participate in the course discussion, share your thoughts and ask questions.
  • This course offers opportunities for CME/CPD activity.

    SURGhub and the American Society of Anesthesiologists do not award CME credits directly. It is the responsibility of the individual participant to determine eligibility for CME/CPD credit through a locally-accredited provider. Participants are responsible for downloading and presenting the certificate of completion to a local accrediting body to claim self-directed CME/CPD credits.
    Learners can record time spent on each tutorial and claim for CPD credit that corresponds with the extent of their participation.
Certificate of Completion
Course AUThor

Deborah Schwengel, MD, MEHP

Dr. Deborah Ann Schwengel is a pediatric anesthesiologist who has held several leadership positions, including residency program director for 10 years at Johns Hopkins University Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. She is a recipient of the ACGME Parker Palmer Courage to Teach Award for Program Director Excellence and after completing the Master of Education in the Health Professions degree at Johns Hopkins, developed a departmental education research pathway and infrastructure known as the Education Research Core. She is also engaged in educational research, curriculum development projects and quality and safety education. She is member of the ASA Anesthesia Patient Safety Editorial Board, on the Board of Directors of the Society for Education in Anesthesia and Associate Editor of the Journal Education in Perioperative Medicine.

This course is provided by the American Society of Anesthesiologists

ASA® is the leading anesthesiology professional society with more than 55,000 members globally. Since its founding in 1905, the Society raises and maintains the standard of the practice of anesthesiology through education, advocacy and quality improvement by focusing on patient care and safety. ASA is dedicated to helping physician anesthesiologists and their care teams provide the highest quality of care in a patient-centered, physician led environment.  

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