Need help?

I forgot my password, what should I do?

To reset your password, you can use this form.
Otherwise, you can also click on the “sign in” button on the top-right corner, and then click on “Forgot your password”, on the bottom-right corner of the pop-up window.
Write the email address you used to sign-up, and instructions will automatically be sent to this email address to reset your password.

How do I change my profile information or modify my password?

To update your profile information, click on "me" and "profile" at the top of this page.
Once you are on your profile page, click on "edit" to modify:
  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your picture
  • Your professional experience
  • Links to your social media accounts
  • Your password

How do I register to a new course?

To find a new course, go to the course catalogue. You will then be able to look for specific categories or authors. Once you have found a course that corresponds to your needs, click on it. It will lead you to the course page. There, you can click on "enroll" or "register to the course" and start learning.

What should I do if a course activity is not marked complete?

You should go back and make sure you have not missed a part of the activity. Activities are automatically marked complete when all parts have been read and completed by the learner.

My question isn't on this list.

Maybe you will find the answer to your question in our FAQ.
Otherwise, you can send a message to our technical support. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can also contact us on our email address: