What's in this course?
This course shows you how to apply the core skills of the Calgary-Cambridge Guide to video consultations to provide a structured and patient-centered approach.
Non-Technical Skills
Communications Skills
Target Audience
This course has been specifically designed to train frontline healthcare workers.
3 hours
Varied activities
Videos, practical scenarii, quiz, additional readings and resources.
Discuss with others
Participate in the course discussion, share your thoughts and ask questions.

Course instructor
Professor Peter Gillen
Professor Peter Gillen is an Associate professor of Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He has many years of experience in teaching both technical and non-technical skills to surgical trainees. He is also Clinical Advisor to the National Healthcare Communication Programme which was set up in 2017 by the Health Service Executive. The modules on telephone, video consultations and handover were produced in collaboration between RCSI and the HSE.
This course is provided by RCSI
Founded as the national training body for surgery in Ireland, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland has been at the forefront of healthcare education since its establishment in 1784. Today, RCSI is an innovative, world-leading international health sciences university. Our mission is to educate, nurture and discover for the benefit of human health.
Course Content
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