The Labour Epidural: Troubleshooting

This work by WFSA is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivitives 4.0 International License. 
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What's in this tutorial?

Discover the reasons behind potential epidural failures and how to deal with them.


Obstetric Anaesthesia

Target Audience

Designed for anaesthesia professionals and other appropriate healthcare providers

Varied activities

Written lectures, illustrations and quizzes.



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Course instructors

Dr Charlotte Kingsley &
Dr Alan McGlennan

Dr Charlotte Kingsley is an Anaesthetic Registrar at Royal Free Hospital, UK.
Dr Alan McGlennan is a  Consultant Anaesthetist at Royal Free Hospital, UK.

This course is provided by WFSA

The World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) is the foremost global alliance of anaesthesiologists, with 133 Member Societies representing over 140 countries and 500,000 anaesthesiologists worldwide.

Course Content

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